Effective Monday, October 28, the Exceptional Family Member Program and School Liaison Program have temporarily relocated to MCCS HQ, BLDG 693, on the corner of Martini Avenue and Hart Street.
School Liaison Program K-12
Our mission is to promote awareness of the unique educational needs of military connected children. School Liaisons:
- Develop, coordinate, and engage in school and community partnership initiatives that foster academic success.
- Increase educator and community awareness of the Marine Corps mission.
- Serve as the commander’s subject matter expert and point of contact for Pre-K-12 education related matters.
- Provide military families and students with school transitions and academic support information and resources.
What is School Liaison?
School Liaisons are professionals whose mission it is to facilitate successful Pre-K-12 schooling transitions when military connected children move with their families to new duty stations and when those children are transitioning to the next step in their education, such as transitioning into kindergarten or graduating high school and pursuing post-secondary education. School Liaisons are located on every Marine Corps installation, both CONUS and OCONUS, and work together to provide families with the schooling information and resources they need to locate quality schools for their children and ensure continuity in their education throughout the service member’s career.
School Liaisons also work with the local school systems to inform education professionals and the community of the unique needs military connected children have, the educational and social challenges they face, and support for military connected students such as the Military Interstate Compact. Most importantly, the Yuma School Liaison can serve and support any active-duty military family assigned to MCAS Yuma, regardless of their branch of service. We’re here to support you during your move here, during your time on station, and as you prepare for your next PCS move!
We provide the following support:
- Direct assistance to military families with school-aged children in grades Pre-K– 12
- Educate schools and communities about the needs of military-connected school-age children and military family life
- Build collaborative relations between command, installation and community
- Maintain direct contact and develop relationships with school/district personnel
- Provide information about school options; and educational services, programs, and resources on-and-off base.
Upcoming Events

K-12 PCS Support
Location: School Liaison Program

Homeschool 101 Workshop
09:00am - 10:30am
Location: Child Development Center

Homeschool 101 Workshop
03:30pm - 05:00pm
Location: Child Development Center
Resource Downloads
When registering K-12 children for school in Arizona, families will need to be able to provide most or all of the following documentation to their child’s new school. Families are encouraged to keep these documents in a safe place when moving and hand carry them to their next duty station.
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Proof of Arizona Address
- Proof of Withdrawal from Previous School (if not entering school for the first time)
- Last Report Card and/or Unofficial Transcripts (if not entering school for the first time)
- Special Education Records (if a child has an IEP or 504 plan)
Remote Enrollment
Military families with official PCS orders to Arizona can enroll their children prior arriving in the state. This policy is referred to as remote enrollment in Arizona and is commonly called advance enrollment as well. Arizona remote enrollment policy states that families have 10 days after their official date of arrival to provide their child’s school with proof of Arizona address.
AZ State Policy on Remote Enrollment: https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/15/00823-01.htm
Advance/Remote Enrollment for Military Families: https://statepolicy.militaryonesource.mil/key-issue/advance-enrollment
School Immunizations
Arizona requires proof of immunization to be provided for children to enroll and attend school. Military families who are unable to provide this documentation for their children upon enrolling them in school are afforded 30 calendar days from the date of enrollment to provide proof of immunization. This exception to policy is permitted by the Military Interstate Compact and adopted into state law under Arizona Revised Statute 15-1911.
ARS 15-1911: https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/15/01911.htm
AZDHS School Immunization Requirements & Exemptions: https://azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/immunization/index.php#schools-immunization-forms
In the state of Arizona, a child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if the child is 5 years of age by September 1st. However, age is only one factor in determining kindergarten readiness. Social, emotional, cognitive and physical development should also be taken into account. The following list will give you an idea of the necessary skills a child should have mastered in order to receive the greatest benefit from his/her kindergarten experience.
Social & Emotinal Development Language
- Use words instead of being physical when angry
- Listen to stories without interrupting
- Follow two-step directions
- Ask for help when necessary
- Pay attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks
- Stay with an activity to completion
- Initiate and sustain appropriate play with other children
- Begin to share with others and understand her/him taking turns
- Comply with rules, limits, and Academic routines
- Be able to recognize authority
- Interact appropriately with adults
- Respect the rights, property, and feelings of others
- Begin to control themselves
- Dress themselves(button shirts, pants, coat)
- Manage bathroom needs independently
- Separate from parents for extended period time
- Attempt new tasks knowing it’s okay to make mistakes
- Speak in complete sentences of 5-6 words
- Use descriptive language
- Sign and/or recite rhymes
- Pretend, create and make-up songs and stories
- Talk about everyday experiences
- Tell or retell stories
- Enjoy having books read to him/her
- Ask questions
- Verbally and appropriately responds to a topic
- Express his/her ideas so others can understand him/her
- Look at pictures and then tell stories
- Identify some alphabet letters
- Count to 10
- Correctly count at least 3 objects
- Identify own first name in writing
- Attempt to print own first name
- Recognize and identify 5 colors
- Understand concepts such as in/out, under/on, on/off, front/back
- Participate in art and music activities
- Know her/him body parts (head, shoulders, knees, etc.)
- Draw a picture of her/himself including head, body arms and legs
- Use words like bigger, smaller, or heaviest
Motor Skills
- Hold scissors correctly
- Holds a pencil, crayon or marker properly
- Put together a 10-12 piece puzzle
- Ride a tricycle
- Run, jump, and skip
- Walk backwards
Are there schools aboard MCAS Yuma?
No, all schools are located outsite the installation.
Children who live on MCAS Yuma are provided transportation to James B. Rolle Elementary School, K-5 (Yuma School District One), R. Pete Woodard Junior High School, 6-8 (Yuma School District One), and Kofa High School, 9-12 (Yuma Union High School District). For complete school bus transportation information for MCAS Yuma, click on the Bus Transportation tab.
Children who live in 16th Street Off-Base Housing reside within the school attendance boundaries of Ronald Reagan Elementary School, K-6 (Crane School District), Centennial Middle School, 7-8 (Crane School District) and Cibola High School, 9-12 (Yuma Union High School District).
School-age children who reside off installation attend the school they are zoned for based on their home address. Parents may view School Attendance Boundary Maps available on each school district's website to determine their child's school.
Which school is the best to attend?
Each parent and child must decide which school is best for them. This decision is best made by visiting prospective schools, researching the schools via their web page and talking to teachers, children and administrators.
I have determined my residence in Yuma, how do I find out which school my child should attend?
Please contact the School Liaison Officer to determine what school district you are residing in. Yuma is an open enrollment school system. The School Liaison can help answer any questions you may have about open enrollment.
Where can I find my school start and calendar information?
Each school district posts their calendar information on their website. The downloads section of this site page includes it and you may also contact the MCAS Yuma School Liaison for any additional school information.
College & Career
We are here to support our military connected students throughout their academic journey, including their transition from high school to post-secondary life. You can contact the School Liaison to ask specific questions about post-secondary plans for your student as well as for support in developing a plan of action and identifying resources to support you and your student prior to high school graduation. Planning begins with exploring resources on steps to post-secondary education—college and vocational education—such as state requirements for graduation, college fairs, financial aid, scholarships, and future career exploration.
Arizona High School Graduation Requirements: https://www.azed.gov/adeinfo/hsgrad
College Board - Big Future: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/?navId=www-accs
National College Fairs: https://www.nacacfairs.org/
Arizona Board of Regents: https://www.azregents.edu/
Road Trip Nation for Students & Career Seekers: https://www.roadtripnation.com/who-were-for/learners
Pipeline AZ: https://pipelineaz.com/
Vocational Training HQ: https://www.vocationaltraininghq.com/
Financial Aid for College
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) https://studentaid.gov/
Arizona FAFSA Challenge https://fafsachallenge.az.gov/
Arizona Community Foundation Scholarships: https://www.azfoundation.org/Scholarships/Scholarship-Opportunities
Resource Downloads
Military dependent children are eligible to use free online tutoring services from Tutor.com. https://military.tutor.com/home
Services include on-demand, 24/7 tutoring in a wide variety of subject areas as well as college essay assistance, college entrance exam preparation, and training in study and time management skills.
Tutor.com - Top 10 Facts for Parents https://www.tutor.com/cmspublicfiles/WWW/MIL_T10_Parents_2021_12_EN.pdf
Gifted & Advanced Learning
Arizona public schools are required to identify gifted students and provide education and services that are appropriate for their learning needs.
Arizona high schools offer a variety of advanced placement courses—to include AP, IB, and Cambridge International courses—to qualifying high school age students. Parents are encouraged to speak with their child’s school about testing for gifted education services as well as advance learning opportunities including career and technical education courses and dual/concurrent enrollment in community college courses.
AZ Department of Education - Gifted Education https://www.azed.gov/gifted-education
National Association for Gifted Children https://www.nagc.org/
Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma https://www.stedycte.org/index.html
Arizona Western College - Dual & Concurrent Enrollment https://www.azwestern.edu/enrollment/dual-enrollment
Students with Special Needs
We are available to assist our military families who have children with special needs navigate the special education process, identify school resources and supports for children with special needs, and support those families who are moving to Arizona and looking to transfer or establish a special education plan for their child.
Families that are moving to Arizona with a child who has an established special education plan are highly encouraged to hand carry current copies of special education plans and related records to Yuma and provide that documentation directly to their child’s new school.
Families can also find more information on specific educational related services and therapies for special needs students by contacting the MCAS Yuma Exceptional Family Member Program at https://www.mccsyuma.org/efmp
AZ Department of Education - Special Education https://www.azed.gov/specialeducation
Understood https://www.understood.org
Raising Special Kids https://www.raisingspecialkids.org
Resource Downloads
Military Interstate Compact
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children directs the governor of Arizona to enter into a compact with other states to remove barriers to educational success that are imposed on children of military families (military children) because of frequent moves and deployment of parents. The compact applies to public schools only
The Interstate Compact Enacts the Following Provisions:
- Facilitates the timely enrollment of military children because of difficulties in the transfer of education records from a previous school district or because of variations in entrance or age requirements.
- Facilitates the student placement process by allowing waivers to ensure that military children are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, grading, course content or assessment.
- Streamlines qualifications and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs and participation in extracurricular programs for military children.
- Facilitates the on-time graduation of military children.
- Promotes flexibility and cooperation among the educational system, military parents, and military children to achieve educational success for the student.
Contact your School Liaison for more information.
Military One Source article: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/education-employment/for-children-and-youth/changing-schools/interstate-compact-for-military-children/
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission: https://mic3.net/
Military Interstate Compact - Rules: https://mic3.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Rules-Book-20190905_Second-Version_20211230.pdf
AZ Department of Education - Military Families: https://www.azed.gov/parents/military-families
AZ State Council on the Education of Military Children: https://education.azgovernor.gov/edu/state-council-education-military-children
On-Base School Bus Transportation
While there are no schools located on the installation, families who live in on base housing are zoned for our local public school districts, Yuma Elementary School District #1 (YESD1) and Yuma Union High School District #70 (YUHSD). Bus transportation is provided for children living in on base housing who attend the schools that they are zoned for.
MCAS Yuma is zoned for the following schools:
- James B. Rolle Elementary School (grades K-5)
- R. Pete Woodard Junior High School (grades 6-8)
- Kofa High School (grades 9-12)
MCAS Yuma Bus Stop Map https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1p7NiX7sHYtBBsrpSlMbCFQsE53o-kUIe&usp=sharing
Additionally, several schools/districts also offer transportation to families living on base whose children attend schools outside of the attendance boundary for MCAS Yuma. These schools provide bus transportation to and from the MCAS Yuma Youth Center, building 1050, only. They do not pick up and drop off in base housing. Children do not need to be enrolled in the Youth Center School Age Care program to utilize transportation offered by these schools.
Parents must register for bus transportation directly with the school. Parents must also complete enrollment directly with the school. The student may only be offered admission to the school and a seat on the bus if space is available. It is the family’s responsibility to ensure transportation, if required, is available for their student to attend school.
Crane School District:
- Centennial M.S. (7-8)
- Crane M.S. (7-8)
- Gowan Science Academy (K-8)
- H.L. Suverkrup E.S. (K-6)
- Ronald Regan E.S. (K-6)
Charter Schools:
- Desert View Academy (K-5)
- Desert View M.S. (6-8)
- Harvest Preparatory Academy (K-12)
Families living at 16th Street Housing (military housing that is located 6 miles off installation) are zoned for local public school districts Crane School District #13 (Crane Schools) and Yuma Union High School District #70 (YUHSD). Bus transportation is NOT provided since 16th street housing is located within a 2- mile radius of these schools.
16th Street Housing is zoned for the following schools:
- Ronald Regan Elementary School (grades K-6)
- Centennial Middle School (grades 7-8)
- Cibola High School (grades 9-12)
School/District Transportation Contacts:
- Crane School District (928) 373-3464 https://Transportation – Transportation – Crane Elementary School District (craneschools.org)
- Desert View Academy (928) 817-8060 x 4607 https://dva.dvsk12.com/parent-resources/transportation/
- Yuma School District One (928) 502-8840 https://www.yuma.org/Transportation
- Yuma Union High School District (928) 502-8840 https://www.yumaunion.org/Page/26
Contact Information and Resources
Hours of operation:
Hours | |
Sunday | CLOSED |
Monday | 8:00AM–4:30PM |
Tuesday | 8:00AM–4:30PM |
Wednesday | 8:00AM–4:30PM |
Thursday | 8:00AM–4:30PM |
Friday | 8:00AM–4:30PM |
Saturday | CLOSED |
Closed Federal Holidays |